MORALS 2000+
MORALS 2000+
1. Júlia Rázusová: So Teach Us to Number Our Days
Director: Júlia Rázusová
Man Robert Roth
Woman Jana Oľhová
Father Alexander Bárta
Mother Barbora Andrešičová, APA student
2. Zuzana Dzurindová: Embryos
Director Alena Lelková
Peter Ľuboš Kostelný
Eva Zuzana Fialová
Jana Adela Mojžišová guest appearance/ Monika Potokárová, APA student
3. Kamil Žiška: Man Without Pain
Director Kamil Žiška
Peter Marián Geišberg
Alžbeta Božidara Turzonovová
Jakub Ján Gallovič
Magdaléna Monika Horváthová, APA student
Technical progress puts us on ever new moral crossroads. We face ethical dilemmas which the generations of our fathers did not know. With have no experience with resolving them. There are no tried and tested norms within them, no accumulated experience. We have to define the new morals on the spot. Is it ethical if a company pays its female employees for freezing their eggs and postponing their pregnancy until an old age for the sake of work efficiency? What can this lead to? And what happens when science allows the rapid extension of life without taking natural resources into consideration? Three mini dramas written specifically for the Slovak National Theatre will seek answers to these questions - directed by three distinct representatives of young Slovak theatre: Slávy Daubnerovej, Aleny Lelkovej and Júlie Rázusovej. If the staging of Desatoro was a reconstruction of the ancient moral pillars of Western society, this staging turns our gaze to the future.
Running time: 1 hr 50 mins with no interval